Friday, September 23, 2011

Last night

Last night Chase moved from his swing, in our room, where he's been sleeping for the past three months, into his pack n play. It was a move I've been dreading for a while now but it had to be done. Chase has never been a back sleeper. Ever. When he was first born he would sleep on his back while tightly swaddled but since we stopped swaddling him he has hated sleeping on his back. He will play for long periods of time on his back during the day. He loves looking around and watching everyone but as soon as you put him in some sort of a bed, where he can't see around him, he flips out. So, for the past few months hes been sleeping in our arms, the bouncer, swing, or car carrier. At night, he's slept about 9 or so hours in his swing and it's been great getting a full night of sleep. But, like I said, it is time.

For the past few weeks I've been trying to get Chase to sleep on his back. Then the past week I've really buckled down on laying Chase down to sleep for naps.

He started out in the top of the pack and play and worked his way down into the bed of the pack and play.

It was hard. He cried, a lot, and I just wanted to pick him up and hold him but I knew he had to get use to his pack and play. All week he's slept on his back for naps. Most of which were only 10 to 30 minutes long but he was definitely getting more comfortable with being on his back.

Yesterday, he was up most of the evening and didn't fall asleep after his 7:30 feed so I knew he'd be really sleepy when I put him to bed. I figured there was no time like now to just buck up and get him in a bed. So, I pulled the pack and play into the bedroom and laid him down at 9:40 after rocking him. He immediately cried. So I rocked him again and laid him back down at about 10 something and he stayed asleep! Through out the night he moved around and fussed a bit so I got up and put his binki in. He would calm down and fall right back asleep. (He did this in his swing too.) I probably got up about 20 times last night. It felt like even more in the night but a few of the times I got up he was just making noise and wasn't even awake. He slept til about 6:15 this morning when big brother came in. I put him in the swing around then and he watched everything going on around him and eventually fell back asleep.

I consider last night a huge success! Last weekend I tried, cold turkey, to put Chase in the pack and play and it was NOT a success. He cried for two hours before I gave in and put him in the swing. We're going to take this day by day but I feel proud of both of us.
I'm working on not stressing about the little things. This though, I admit, has been a stress. I learned with Colton that if it's not one thing it's another. Once you figure out one issue another arises and every time they work themselves out. I found this bible verse the other day and it words for me to live by, as a worrier.

Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything.

Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

Phil 4:6


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