Saturday, June 11, 2016

Braves End Of Season Party

We went to Colt's End of Season Party last night.  We are proud of the season he had and how much he learned.  When coach gave him his award he told him he'd become one of the best power hitters on the team.  He can smack that ball! We enjoyed the boys and families so much on this seasons team.  The kids were great and it was so nice to have a team full of helpful friendly parents.  
Too bad Mother Nature didn't cooperate.  We were on a winning streak in the play offs.  But, we ended with a win and the game prior to that was Colts best game ever.  In the bottom half of the last inning, Colt drove in two runs to tie the game and then scored the winning run all with two outs.  I have no pictures because I was screaming too much but I will never forget how proud he was running into home.  He had the biggest smile on his face.  The whole team rushed the field screaming and cheering.  One of the kids said it was "EPIC!"
That it was!


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