Sunday, January 7, 2018

Questions about their Momma!

Tonight a friend posted a list of questions you could ask your kids.  I thought it was fun.  Here there are...

Colts answers...
1. What is something I say a lot? Stop talking back
2. What makes me happy? Me being nice to people and not talking back
3. What makes me sad? When me and chase don’t listen to what you say
4. How tall am I? 5 6
5. How old am I?  38
6. What's my favorite thing to do? Hang out with us
7. What makes me proud of you? When I get high grades
8. What is my favorite food?  Carrots
9. Do I have a favorite child? No
10. If I could go anywhere, where would it be? England
11. Do you think you could live without me?  Nooooo
12. What's my favorite song? Do you even have a favorite song???
13. How do you annoy me? Just being annoying
14. What is my favorite movie? Wonder
15. Who do I have a crush on? Zak!
16. Where was I born? Houston tx
17. What's my favorite show to watch? The news
18. Who's my best friend? Amber and Susan
19.What scares me? Spiders
20.How would you describe me? You’re tall. You like pink. You’re the best!

Chases answers...
1. What is something I say a lot? Be kind and thankful
2. What makes me happy? Being nice
3. What makes me sad? Being mean to other kids
4. How tall am I? 5 3
5. How old am I?  38
6. What's my favorite thing to do? Snuggle with us
7. What makes me proud of you? Not being a bully
8. What is my favorite food?  Hot fries
9. Do I have a favorite child? Yes. Me and colt
10. If I could go anywhere, where would it be? The store. Target.
11. Do you think you could live without me?  Uhhhh.  No.
12. What's my favorite song? Body Like a Back Road
13. How do you annoy me? Being mean to Colt
14. What is my favorite movie? Wonder
15. Who do I have a crush on? Daddy
16. Where was I born? Texas
17. What's my favorite show to watch? 90 Day Fiancé
18. Who's my best friend? Amber
19.What scares me? Scary movies
20.How would you describe me? 
You have glasses. You like to paint your fingernails. You like to text on your phone. You like to go over to nanny and grandads.  You like snuggle with us. You like to sit on the trampoline with us.

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