Sunday, March 22, 2020

COVID19-Week one

Welcome to the chaos!
What a week or so it's been!
Last week were were enjoying our Spring Break when panic swept over us. On Wednesday 3/12, while we were visiting with friends at Yogi Bear Campgrounds, they closed down the Rodeo.  We knew things were about to get crazy.  I'm not sure how CRAZY or SCARY we thought it was going to get but we one week in and I think it's only going to get worse.  Actually, I know it is. And, to be honest, its petrifying!
I keep going back and forth as to when we started our full quarantine.
Monday 3/9 Zak was asked to stay home from work.  He got word of this as we drove to the Rodeo. We laughed at this...Little did we know.
3/9-3/13 Spring Break.  We carried on with almost all of our plans,  all plans that weren't cancelled.
3/14- Andi and Byrd get married in College station. Every one was able to attend.  The Mayor said no gatherings over 200. (As the week progressed the gathering numbers got less and less. By Wednesday, there were no gatherings of more than 10 people allowed in our area.)
Sunday 3/15- The last time the boys would leave the house but we still weren't in full quarantine. I went to visit mom in the morning.  Becky went up in the afternoon.  They were only allowed one visitor, immediate family only.  Sunday night, they shut the whole facility down to any visitors.
Monday- I had scheduled matinence on my car.  We decided I should go ahead and get it because it was already months overdue.
Tuesday- St. Paddy's Day- We stayed in and did LOTS of green things!  Went on a family walk around the neighborhood that night.
Wednesday- We had ATT scheduled to come fix our internet. We reluctantly went along with it.
Thursday- Had to get a warranty issue fixed on Zak truck.  We were limited on how long we had to get it done without having to pay, so we decided to go ahead and do it.  Today was the day I realized, while we were pretty much staying in our home,  MANY others were not.  Shopping centers jam packed with cars.  Clothes stores, mattress shops, phone stores, dry cleaners, nail and hair salons,  so many unnecessary stores open and packed.
Friday- Zak finally stopped going to the gym.  I did a HUGE shopping trip in the pouring rain and vowed to not go back for at least a week. We picked up and dropped off a couple things for the Grands.
Saturday- While we should have been on the lacrosse and baseball fields, we didn't leave the house!

After looking through our list from the week, I'm not sure we can say we "quarantined".  But, it sure feels like it and we have done our very best not to go out.  The boys haven't left the house, unless they rode around with us in the car, since Sunday.  We're trying very hard to only go where we have to.  With each passing day our "necessities" are being prioritized.
 Today,  Sunday, we're on DAY 3 of rain and I'm ready for that to stop!

Here is a little look at our week....
This is for real!  Stores wiped out of everything, lines and police patrolling the paper towel/TP isle.

In my panic and normal hoarding ways, we are fully stocked!

 Sunday visit with mom!
I am so thankful I was able to see her.  I'm petrified it could be longer than weeks, more like months, until we see her again. I hope so badly I am wrong!

Sunday 3/15, we should have been getting ready to head back to school but instead had a cousin sleepover! 

Let the "homeschooling" begin.  Monday we
also found out that school would be Closed until after Easter-Though April 10th.  

At the dealership. Can not believe people were eating the donuts!!!!
Picking up dinner while we still can.  
All restaurants and bars will close to togo only, tomorrow.

Happy St. Paddy's Day
Shamrock hunt around the neighborhood

And, I can't believe we didn't know it (I always thought Sadies Bday was in February) but got an email from the vet saying 3/16 was her birthday.  We aren't sure of her birthday since she was a rescue. Even though I think its closer to February, we went with it and sang to her all day!

                                                               These make me laugh! 

Official "homeschool" starts TOMORROW!  I have to admit, I'm pretty nervous!!!!!

While I know my dad and aunt and uncle and inlaws are safely quarantining at home, my BIGGEST WORRY is my sweet momma.   As this progresses it gets scarier and scarier.  I pray all of the staff and care takers are taking the HIGHEST priority in keeping themselves safe so they can keep their residents safe.   I am very thankful for their dedication to my mom.  
Please take care of my mom while we can't.  We miss her very much.  


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