Sunday, April 26, 2020

Week #6

Week 6 was a bit slow.  We homeschooled (and it went pretty dang smooth, did a few crafts, and enjoyed dinner from Gringos.  Chase got a haircut from barber dad! The boys continued with their sleepovers and finding new ways to entertain themselves from late night foosball to indoor kitchen ping pong to setting off fireworks dad found in the garage.  Zak and I bought a new chair for our room on Monday and that set off a week of cleaning out and organizing.  Our closet is stuffed but organized.  It feels so good.  Today we're going to take on the garage! I filled up with gas for the first time since the beginning/mid March. I paid $1.28 a gallon.  I fear it will only go lower and that hurts my heart for everyone in the oil industry.  We had some rain this week and even got some hail.  I had a meeting with my Foundry friends to catch up on what the end of the year is going to look like. It still breaks my heart that we won't finish out the year.  And Zak, silly Zak, celebrated Josh's birthday through Zoom.  He should have been in Arizona celebrating with him this weekend.  Saturday, we spent the day outside cleaning up, mowing, cleaning gutters and trimming bushes.  We got a little surprise when our AC finally went out that afternoon.  Monday we get a new one.  Thank goodness it's not August! 
The BEST part of my week...TALKING TO MY MOM ON FACETIME!  Although she was very confused, I loved seeing her! 


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