Monday, September 29, 2014

Herman Park

Last weekend, Daddy was away hunting and Nanny was still in England so we took a quick trip to Herman Park for a picnic, a lot of playing and a ride on the train. 


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Smells Like Beef...Back at it!

Last weekend, the boys and I headed up to Brenham to the Washington County Fair Cook-Off.  It turned out to be a cold, dreary day, but we mad the best of it.  Zak's ribs placed 9th place. They were the best I've ever tasted.  They should have placed 1st!


Monday, September 8, 2014

Then this happened...

Then this happened...
Is the text I got to tell me
this happened...

Here on this bench...
The third on the right...
So happy for my "sistor" and AB. 
Wishing them a LIFETIME of happiness. 
And, cousins for my babies.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

1st tooth

Yesterday, Colton came running off the school bus with exciting news... 

It's been a long time coming and we actually just got back from the dentist a couple weeks ago where they thought they might eventually have to extract all 4 bottom front teeth because his adult teeth are already growing.  The dentist said his adult teeth were big for his little mouth and his baby teeth were stubborn.
I'm so happy he was able to loose one on his own.  He was so proud.  For as long as I can remember he's been checking his teeth to feel for loose teeth.  
He said when he bit into an apple slice at lunch the tooth (which was really bothering him that morning when we brushed) fell out into his tub of peanut butter.  He came home with it wrapped in a napkin in his pocket.

 He really wasn't sure what to think about the Tooth Fairy.  He was a little nervous to leave the pillow by his bed knowing she would come into his room when he was sleeping.  In fact, the night she came, he came into our room and slept with us.  He came in after she visited but I think he was a little anxious about it all.  In the night he quickly told me something had been left on the ground and his tooth was missing.  The next morning, he was excited to go back in his room and see everything.  


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Chases 1st Day of PreSchool

Today was Chases first day of PreSchool.  He was so excited to be in class with Mommy and Mrs. Dawn.  He had such a good day.  He did really well having class with me but did ask all day, "When are we gonna go home?"  At the end of the day, on the way home, he told me over and over, "I had fun with y'all." 
 It's going to be a little different having him in class with me, but its going to be a very special year for both of us. 


Monday, September 1, 2014


August has been full of all things summer.
I can not believe how fast the summer went. 
As we get back into the school swing of things, I want to share our August happenings...

There was LOTS of swimming

 A few walks

Lots of outside playing with the neighbors

Even a little back to school fajita BarBQ


 Another movie morning

 Lots of dinners and lunches out
Dinner with Amber and family for her birthday

 Lunch with Allen and Baa Nanny and Grandad

A new ride...just for the day

 New hair cuts

 And one of my all time favorite pictures...ever
a quick game of Ninja Turtles before dad heads to work

 A little school work

 A much needed night away with friends
 While the boys partied hard at Nanny and Grandads

 Lots of inside playing

 Trips to see the grandparents

 A dentist visit

Lots of shopping


 Meet the teacher

 Our first day without Colt
 Here is Chase talking on the "phone" to bubby

 A visit from Pa

