August has been full of all things summer.
I can not believe how fast the summer went.
As we get back into the school swing of things, I want to share our August happenings...
There was LOTS of swimming
A few walks
Lots of outside playing with the neighbors
Even a little back to school fajita BarBQ
Another movie morning
Lots of dinners and lunches out
Dinner with Amber and family for her birthday
Lunch with Allen and Baa Nanny and Grandad
A new ride...just for the day
New hair cuts
And one of my all time favorite pictures...ever
a quick game of Ninja Turtles before dad heads to work
A little school work
A much needed night away with friends
While the boys partied hard at Nanny and Grandads
Lots of inside playing
Trips to see the grandparents
A dentist visit
Lots of shopping
Meet the teacher
Our first day without Colt
Here is Chase talking on the "phone" to bubby
A visit from Pa