Sunday, December 31, 2023

December doings...

Grandad finished up November and started December in London.  Here is the pub where he and mom had their wedding reception in 1978.

Grandad got home!
Catching up with some of Zak old high school buddies.

Lazy cool nights on the patio with my husband! 
I still can't believe my baby is HIGH SCHOOL!!!!!
Coffee date with my love before school gets out for Christmas.
Zak and I picked up Colt early after exams. There were soooo many kids walking out.  Kids all over walking the area. 
Squeezing in a little batting practice with the team.

Everyone else is out but I'm still in school!  Last day for 2023.
Chase played in a fun little Christmas tourney with the Banditos.
Not a great way to get woken up at midnight!

Thank goodness my hubby knew what he was doing and did amazing at clean up.  The boys were such a HUGE help too.  I was so out of it!

A little friend outing....

Day sibling Dinner.
