Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What I would have missed...

Yesterday was the first day back to work for all of my teacher friends. Instead of getting up early, rushing around, taking Colton to Nanny's and spending the day at work, I got to wake up early, have coffee while Colton ate breakfast, take Colton to library time, and then hang out with Nanny and Colton. While we were at the library, I looked around at all of the little ones dancing and playing and I watched Colton. I watched him watching the other kids, dancing, smiling and learning. It made me so happy to be there with him, I was so full of pride and joy watching him learn. How lucky am I to have this opportunity?!? Sure some days are tough, no naps, throwing food, fussy baby and a grumpy mommy, but most days are amazing! Today, I got to be there to watch Colton walk across the living room floor all by himself for the very first time!!! He has been taking small steps here and there for the last month but this afternoon I watched him take 12 steps from the coffee table to his ball pit. They were slow and small but 12 steps none the less!
I have been spending a lot of time researching things for Colton and me to do. We need to get out of the house and enjoy this time together. We have been going to library time every Monday morning and starting in September we are joining a MOPS group and a Kindermusik class.


AmazingGreis said...

Yaye Colton! So happy for him and for you. So glad that you are there to experience the FIRSTS and to enjoy your days with your growing BOY.

Must come see ya'll soon!


amy said...

I'm soooo glad you got to see your sweet boy take his first steps- what a blessing to be home with him! Go Colton!!!

Anonymous said...

He is so sweet and we really have been enjoying watching him grow up! :)

Leah J. said...

Staying home is such a BLESSING! I hope that you find your "place" as a stay at home mom quickly and find many wonderful mommy friends quickly! Have so much FUN!!