Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Rain Rain...

...It's a great time to play!!!
Since Colton got his special birthday present he hasn't had much time to enjoy it since its been so hot here or pouring. This afternoon I let Sadie out for a bit and realized that it was really nice out but very cloudy. I decided we'd head out to play for a bit before the rain started. Of course, as we stepped outside it started to sprinkle but there was no getting Colton back indoors.
Now, don't judge. Yes, my child is still in his PJs. It's been one of those lazy days here and he hates to change clothes so sometimes it's just not worth the battle. If you'll look close you'll even see the Bug Band hanging out of the back of his pants. He refuses to wear the band around his arm or leg so I secretively tuck it into the back of his pants when were outside. Works good enough since he seems to be a bug magnet like his momma!!!

Our trip outside didn't last long but it was fun while it lasted!


AmazingGreis said...

He is getting so BIG!!! Can't wait til I see ya'll next. Hopefully before we head to San Diego!!

GDiddy said...

I feel sorry for all the other grandparents out there. I got the cutest grandson ever!


Becky said...

these might be my favorite photos you've posted yet. I LOVE his smile in the last photo. You are training him well to like photos :)