Sunday, August 1, 2021


We had such an amazing time in Lake City. It’s our 4th year to go and the views still stun us every single time. The pictures don’t do the beautiful scenery justice. On our way in we stopped in Walsenburg and Creed. Once we made it to Lake City, we played PuttPutt, made new friends and saw old friends, spent time with Zaks aunt and uncle, fished, drove into Gunnison, went for a boat ride, hiked the creek behind the Inn, stopped at the soda shop(a few times) and rented a jeep for two days and discovered some new spots. This year, after 3 years of set backs- avalanches, snow and crazy lightning- Colt and Zak summited Handies Peak. One of 5 14ers surrounding Lake City. They weren’t going to let the mudslides stop them this year! I’m so proud of them for this accomplishment. 14,048 feet! Maybe one day I can talk Chase into trying so we can all make it up there together.
I love the time we get to spend together as a family while we’re in Lake City. The stresses of the world just melt away in the mountains. 


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