Friday, May 31, 2024

May Madness

I shouldn't be surprised at how busy May is every single year but every single year, Im exhausted by the craziness! 

We spent a lot of time on the ball fields...
Both boys had physicals at school.  Look at Addy and Colt!
Naps were had.
We tried out a new recipe on the Blackstone.
Shopping at Dicks.  Everyone found stuff they wanted but Colt of course would not let me take pics! 

MOTHERS DAY!!!  Started with Dinner at Gringos on Saturday. Breakfast with Lori on Sunday and ended with a delicious home cooked steak for dinner.  So we just ate our way through Mothers Day. 
Celebrating Dads Birthday a little early since we will be on the ball fields on his day. 

Divide and conquer day...

Back at it with Chase.

A very random storm rolled in one random Thursday night.   I was actually napping on the couch.  Zak had gone to Jujitsu and the boys were (thankfully) home in their room. Usually they are out running the streets.  I woke up to the power turning off at 6PM.  The house was absolutely pitch black because the storm was blowing in.  The winds were wild and it was so dark outside.  All of a sudden the rains started and wind picked up even more.  Because I was asleep I had missed the tornado warning and was standing at the back door watching everything instead of taking cover.  It got scary for a minute.  The storm lasted about 15 -30 minutes but did TONS of damage in our area.  An EF-1 tornado hit just a couple miles away.  In fact so much damage was done to local power lines  that many were out of power for 100+ hours and school was cancelled Friday, Monday and Tuesday.  Thankfully we only lost power for only about 27 hours and had very minimal damage.  

When school cancels in May, lots of things get cancelled.  Chases Award Night got cancelled so we had cookies instead.  
He received his MATH Award when he made it back to school. 

We're so proud of him earning this award.  In math no less!  He had such a great 7th grade year.  He earned Distinguished (all As) or Honor Roll (more As than Bs) every grading period!
Little car mishap at Old Navy.  Thank goodness for my Hubby! 
At the last minute High School students were given the chance to exempt all finals due to so much instructional time missed.  This means school was out...a week early!
What a start to High School this guy had!  He worked so hard and made all As and Bs (and one almost B in Geometry- a 10th grade level course). His math teacher told us what a hard worker he was and how respectful he always was.  No matter how well our kids do in anything in life, sports, school , anything, that's THE best compliment anyone could ever give us! 
Chase played in a Memorial Day Tourney.  It meant we had to miss our first Memorial Day at Doc and Peaches.  But, when their team lost at 8Am on Sunday, we loaded up and headed up to Grandbury to surprise everyone. 

Lots of fishing.
A yearly check up.
A little inside baseball, as if we don't have enough baseball. 

Last day of 7th grade!!!!! 
Rain messed up their out door Middle School Recess but they still had fun inside and Zak and I got to volunteer.

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