Sunday, June 30, 2024

Juggling June...

Getting ready for the first spin...

Kicked the kids out.
My "helpers". I'm still afraid they are going to run me over with the cart. 
Checking on them peepers.  (All was great!)
Zak at work.
With Pa.
Lots of time at the fields.
Use to take him to Walmart for toys.  Now it's electrical tape. 
College Station Tourney

Building the perfect glove. (A birthday gift from Grandad!)

Little inside baseball with the "joke glove" grandad got Chase.

Watching the college boys at the field. 

They begged for Lace cookies. 
Helping out. Earning their keep.

Trying out his new bat in pjs with Bronchitis.  Had to miss the high school camp to prepare (get better) for the World Series.
Lots of driving practice in his new ride. 
Getting ready for his driving exam
Date Night before surprising Matt for his 40th birthday.

This is what we came home to at 11Pm.  Wild night for the boys. 
Helping out at Gagas.


Thursday, June 27, 2024

DFW World Series


These boys battled through 9 Games and we couldn't be more proud of them and our #27! They lost in the quarter finals on the last day after winning 4 straight games the day prior in 100+ degree heat.  The highlights for Chase were watching Zak pitch to him in the homer Derby (he hit 2 homeruns out of 12 pitches), watching him pitch (getting us out of one game in the last inning), seeing him hit an over the fence homerun, and the phenomenal catch in right field.  These boys came up 4th out of 18 teams, which is a great feat after a hard hard Fall and a slow Spring.  
We had THE BEST week hanging with our Baseball Family and celebrating Colts 16th birthday! 


Monday, June 24, 2024

Sweet 16

Today my baby turns 16! SIXTEEN!!!!!How is that even possible!?!? He is one of my greatest joys and makes us so incredibly proud. He spent his birthday week in Dallas watching a lot of baseball but was able to get away from the game for a bit. While Chase and I went to his game, Colt and Zak went fishing and rented Kayaks, had lunch at Whataburger and met back up with us to hang out. Later that afternoon, we hit up Dave and Busters with a couple baseball buddies from the team and got Freebirds for dinner.

Next up, his license!

(Dear God, please let this time slow down.)


Monday, June 3, 2024

Happy #70 Gaga (all together edition)

Happy birthdayGaga!  Celebrating #70 with ALL the kids.  We had a fun Pot Luck dinner where everyone had to bring a dish and prep it at Gagas.  NO details shared.  Turned out great!


Saturday, June 1, 2024

#13 and #16 Family Celebration!!!!

Happy #13 and #16 to my best boys!!!!!

Celebrating with family and best friends with a BIG surprise for Colt!
He was so caught off guard and overwhelmed with the amount of people watching him he wasn't able to get too excited (til a few days later when we got a fun moment in the car exploring everything in it). 
