Sunday, June 30, 2024

Juggling June...

Getting ready for the first spin...

Kicked the kids out.
My "helpers". I'm still afraid they are going to run me over with the cart. 
Checking on them peepers.  (All was great!)
Zak at work.
With Pa.
Lots of time at the fields.
Use to take him to Walmart for toys.  Now it's electrical tape. 
College Station Tourney

Building the perfect glove. (A birthday gift from Grandad!)

Little inside baseball with the "joke glove" grandad got Chase.

Watching the college boys at the field. 

They begged for Lace cookies. 
Helping out. Earning their keep.

Trying out his new bat in pjs with Bronchitis.  Had to miss the high school camp to prepare (get better) for the World Series.
Lots of driving practice in his new ride. 
Getting ready for his driving exam
Date Night before surprising Matt for his 40th birthday.

This is what we came home to at 11Pm.  Wild night for the boys. 
Helping out at Gagas.


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