Friday, October 28, 2011

Colton's Circus

This week Colton and Zak went to "Dads Night Out" at Foundry. It was a circus themed night and Colton's teachers set up the room with all kinds of activities. Zak had such a fun time with his little Buddy and Colton was proud to show off his "cool" to Dad. This is the stuff Zak's been waiting for, he's such an amazing Dad and was as excited about the night as Colton was.

Zak was such a trooper and carried the camera around snapping pictures for me. (Thanks Honey!) Here is Coltons writing about his Daddy.

They made clown cookies.

And a clown face.

After they were done in Colton's class, they headed across the hall to my class where my "Dad's Night Out" was finishing up. (My class had a camping theme.)

Colton got to have a second snack in my class and also made binoculars.

I love these boys!

Then, yesterday, Colton's "grade" at school had a Clown Parade. Zak

got to stop by and see his class parade. Before the parade, we had a big talk with Colton about staying with his class and not getting upset when he saw mommy and daddy. Well, he did great. He saw us but acted like we weren't even there. I think it hurt daddy's heart a little bit. It was kind of a little glimpse into the future, when he will completely ignore us and pretend he doesn't know us. :)

He was the cutest clown in the bunch!

What a fun week at "cool".

Thursday, October 27, 2011

5 Months

Dear Chase,
You are 5 months old! I'm sorry I'm a few days late posting. We've had some major internet issues. 5 months just sounds so old! I can't believe it's almost your half birthday!!!! You are still such a happy, smiley little guy and you bring so much joy to everyone who gets to love on you.

Here are some things you've been up to...

You are still in size 2 diapers but close to moving onto 3's.

You wear 6 to 9 month PJs but you wear 6 month tops and 3 month pants.

You are eating every 3 to 4 hours and at night I try keep your feeds about every two hours.

You eat about 7oz when you have a bottle.

You are so happy and content.
You nap the best when you're being held and you don't ever nap in your crib. Sometimes I'll put you down in your bouncer for a nap but I love to hold you so when I can, I let you sleep in my arms. I don't care what bad habit it's starting.

You completely outgrew your swing...

...And you are sleeping in your crib in your own room now.

You are doing great sleeping in your own bed. You've only gotten up in the night a couple times in the past three or so weeks and you always put yourself back to sleep.

You sleep from about 9 or 9:30pm to about 6:30 or 7am.You blow raspberries and you drool a lot.

I thought I felt a tooth breaking through on the bottom, but I'm just not sure. You're not very fussy about it if you are.

You are playing more with toys.

You love to "EAT" your monkey.

You have two to three good naps in the day and a couple power naps here and there.

You love to be tickled on your ribs.

You love to watch football and you break your neck to do it.

You love your binki.

You always have your toes or hands in your mouth.

Sometimes you get your thumb in your mouth just right.

The flat spot on your head is getting better and better.

You grab hold of everything.

You are so flexible.

You laugh at your brother and all the silly stuff he does. He can get you to laugh harder than anyone else. (Infact, I'm listening to you belly laugh at him now. You're really egging him on with your laughter.)

You still love your bouncy seat. You can really get it rocking.

You are "talking" a lot.
You have tried rice and oatmeal cereal and squash.

You eat your food once a day. You do best in the evening and don't like to eat with Nanny, no matter how hard she tries.

You are always looking around and love being in new places.

You have almost rolled from your back to your tummy. You are so close!

And...Here is a little Halloween sneak peak.

I say it every month but you are so amazing. We love you so much and can't imagine life with out you. Life gets more and more crazy as you get older but it gets more and more fun with each day. We love you little monster!

Love, Mommy


Last weekend we had quite a treat. My aunt and uncle brought my MeeMaw down for a visit from Idalou Tx. It's been three years since she visited and it was such a special weekend. We had lots of family time and the boys got lots and lots of love from MeeMaw. There was also lots of cousin time.

Unfortunately, Friday morning Colton started feeling bad so he hung out a lot with Grandad. (Dad thank you so much for taking such great care of him. Sorry you caught his cold!)Chase rocked with MeeMaw non stop and loved hearing her sing.

We all went to Friday Night Dinner

On Saturday we all celebrated these two cuties...



Here is Meemaw with all 5 of her GREAT grandchildren.

(This is the best picture we could get out of about 50 shots.)


It was such a special weekend. We loved having you here. I am so glad you finally got to meet Chase. We are counting down the days 'til Thanksgiving.

We love you so much!!!!

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Zube Park

Last weekend we took a trip to Zube park to ride the trains, play and have a picnic. We met up with Gaga, PawPaw, Pa, Grandad, and Ba. It was a really pretty morning and we had a great time.

I am not sure whats up with Blogger and my pictures but I'm not messing with it. Here is our day in pictures...