Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Chases First Christmas was so special.  It was FULL of family and lots of presents!

 Colton and Zak put out reindeer oats and glitter so the reindeer could smell their way to our house and the glitter would catch Santa's eye.
 We went over to Dan and Phyllis' where Chase and Colton met Ricky for the first time.
 Cookies and rasins along with notes to Santa were put out.
 Colton had a "camp out" in mommy and daddy's room because we didn't want him to get up in the night and see what Santa left.

 Santa found us!

 At 5:20am (We had our alarm set for 5:40) Colt jumped up and said, " Mommy, I have to potty."  Without thinking he headed for the door and his potty.  I flew out of bed and grabbed him, scaring him to death and completely waking him up.  So, our Christmas morning started at 5:20.  Zak had to wake up Chase and he wondered what on earth was going on.  When Colton came out and saw what Santa had left he said, "Where's HoHo?"  I think he was a bit confused and overwhelmed.  It didn't take him long to warm up.

 After presents we had a little time to play.
 And poor Chase fell fast asleep.  He was so tired.
At 8 am we headed to the Harrison House for presents and breakfast.

 Look at Nanny's Christmas present from Grandad! 
It's spent a lot of time in the garage because the weather has been pretty wet.
 At 12 we headed over to Gaga and PawPaws for more presents and dinner.

 Chase and PawPaw were the first casualties.
 Daddy and Uncle Matt playing with Colton's new toys.  Where is Colton you ask? Playing with playdogh he's had for months.
 And our fourth and final stop.  To the Hardin House to do presents with cousins. 

 We all got so many wonderful gifts. 


Friday, December 23, 2011

7 months

(Picture to come after its taken on the 24th)
Dear Chase,
Tomorrow, on Christmas Eve, you turn 7 months old.  7 months?!?!?!  Where has the time gone.  Each day with you gets more exciting as you grow.  As I say every month, you are absolutely a joy.  We are so blessed to have you and are looking forward to spending Christmas with you and your brother and all of our family. 
You are still sleeping pretty well.  You go down about 8 and sleep til about 7 am.  Occasionally, you wake in the night but go back to sleep after a little rocking.  
You eat 4 times a day and have two solid foods.  You love your Mum Mums but are so messy with them. You tried chicken noodle yesterday and you don't really like that but you love all of your fruits and most of the veggies.
When you nurse you are very very quick.(About 10 or so minutes) 
You are always smiling.  You are such a happy guy.  You don't fuss too much.  Mostly when you are over tired want to be held or are hungry.  You will sit and watch us move around but if we sit down you want to be held.
When you get really tired you fuss til you get comfy.
You are a mommas boy and I LOVE IT!
You spit and blow raspberries all the time. 
You are growing out of your bouncy but still love being in it.  You are completely out of Nanny's and Gagas's bouncer but thankfully you can't sit up in ours quiet yet. 
You love your exasaucer and the bouncy horse at Nanny's. 
Your favorite toy is the music piano. 
You are still in size two diapers but ready to move up we have a few left and when were done with those you'll be in size three diapers.
At your 6 month check up the Dr. said you were in the 7th and 12 percentile for weight and height and we just couldn't believe that because you are such a chunk to us but I do think you are a tiny bit smaller than Colton was at this age. 
You fit in 6 month clothes but mostly wear 9 month.
You are sitting up so well.  You will lay on your belly to play for a little bit but you want to sit up in be in the action.
Your diapers are tough to change because you always try to roll over or play,
When we lay you down at night you roll onto your belly.
You know your name.
You reach for us or reach up to us when you want to be held.
You still occasionally choke when you eat and you have started biting mommy when you nurse.  Not nice.  Not nice at all.
You like to scream back and forth with your brother.  We all think you sound like a little bird. 
Speaking of your brother, you absolutely adore him.  He can always calm you down or make you smile. You love it when he makes silly noises or shoots his marshmallow gun (not at you of course). You laugh so hard at him.
If you don't have a toy to play with you play with your feet.  We have trouble keeping socks on you because you pull them off or chew on them.
You had your first taste of people food.  Your Uncle Jerry snuck you a taste of cake icing.  You made a silly face but I'm sure you would have gobbled up more if more had been offered. 
You have absolutely, hands down, the best laugh!

We love you to the moon and back little monkey!
Love, Mommy

Sunday, December 18, 2011

First Christmas Program

Thursday was Coltons last day of school for the semester. His class, along with the other preschool 3 class, put on a little show for the parents.  For weeks Colton has been practicing his songs at home. I knew there was very little chance of him singing in the program but I loved hearing him sing at home.  His favorite is Jingle Bells.  He sings it all the time and when it comes on the radio or tv everyone has to stop talking and listen.

 I figured he wouldn't sing but I didn't think this is what he'd look like this the entire program.  We had talked to him about staying with his class and not being sad when he saw mommy and daddy.  When he walked into the room he searched for us.  He spotted us up front, got up on the risers and he refused to look at us.  Absolutely refused.  Mrs. Leeanne actually even told him to look at mommy for a picture and he said "No!" All we can figure is that he didn't want to look at us because he thought it might make him sad.
 At one point something caught his attention and I was able to snap this!
 Then he was back to not looking at us. 
 Yep, still not looking.

 And here's Jingle Bells.  I thought for sure once they broke out the bells and started his favorite song he'd at least shake the bells... NOPE! ( He did one little shake right at the end after everyone was done singing.)
 And there he is.  The program is over and I got a little smile. 
 After the kids were done singing with their class the parents got to join them and sing We Wish You a Merry Christmas. He might not have looked at us the entire performance but he did great.  He listened to his teachers and followed directions the whole time. 
 After the performance we joined him and all of his friends in his classroom for a little Christmas party.

It was the first of MANY MANY performances in our future and it'll be one daddy and I will never forget.  I was a nervous wreck for him but I was definitely one proud momma.  He was the cutest "angel" of the bunch.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

That's TACKY!

Last weekend Zak and I were invited to a tacky sweater party at our neighbors house.  We hit up quite a few Goodwill's to find the tackiest sweaters possible.
Mine had been very well loved in a past life and was pretty awful.  Zak's was more girly than tacky. He told me he was going for a "Cam Look", as in Cam from Modern Family.  Also, what you cant see, he's wearing crocks!

 Some friends from College came in from out of town.
 And some of our other neighbors, and good friends,  joined in the fun.
 This is David, the host.  (I didn't get a picture of Mandi, his wife :()
For those of you who don't know, Zak and David were College roommates for 2 years in good 'ol Nacogdoches. He and his wife bought the house next door to us when Colton turned one and we  have
absolutely loved it.  Their daughter,Peyton (pictured above) and Chase are only about 2 weeks a part.  They are such blessings in our life.
This picture cracks me up.  It reminds me so much of college.
