Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bass Pro Boat Show

After going to Autorama in November Colton has been obsessed with "Shows". So, this weekend we headed to Bass Pro Shop for a Boat Show. Colton enjoyed a morning out with three of his favorite things, Boats, a "Show" and Bass Pro Shop, his all time favorite store. We received the Bass Pro Shop add early in the week advertising the Boat Show and Colton read the add all week long and talked about going to the Boat Show constantly. We got up early Sunday morning, stopped for "holes" and headed out to the Boat Show.
Colton was in absolute heaven. He enjoyed every second of crawling through all of the boats.

I'm not sure if I'm a bad mommy for posting this one, and I know Colton will hate me for it one day, but half way through our visit we had to stop for a potty break. I couldn't resist a picture.
After a quick potty break we spent some time seeing what makes Bass Pro Shop such a fun place for a boy and his dad!

I never thought I could have so much fun walking around a store, full of things I have no interest in but I haven't smiled so much in a long time. We had such a great morning together. I love hanging out with these boys!

1 comment:

Leah J. said...

So sweet!! Aren't boys so fun?! I LOVE the potty pic!