After, weeks and weeks of stressing (actually more like months of stressing) I knew Colton was ready to potty train. He'd pee peed numerous times in the potty at home and at school (not consistently) but I just wasn't ready to start the process. I told myself once I got over the morning sickness I'd start, but getting motivated was tough. Diapers are so easy! I'd looked for big boy underwear but hadn't come across a pair that was small enough for my little man. I wasn't too worried (and didn't look too hard). I knew that once I had the underwear I'd have to start the process. We had two potty seats, a jar full of jelly beans, I was feeling better, the bathroom was set up with books and wipes and I had read up on all kinds of ways to training. All we were missing was underwear. My mom must have gotten tired of hearing about it and showed up one day with 12 pairs of Thomas Undies... It was time!
(I know you may not care but this is for me!)
Here was my plan...
I decided after talking to friends and looking at ideas online that I did not want to use pull ups. It was all or nothing! I would put Colton in bbu, remind him to tell me if he needed to go and ask throughout the day if he needed to go. Initially, I thought I'd take him into the potty every 30-40 minutes and put him on the potty. (This worked on occasion but he quickly tired of spending so much time in the restroom when he didn't have to go.) If he had an accident I wouldn't make a big deal of it, I'd just take him straight to the potty to finish and then clean up the mess. Every time he pee peed he'd get two Jelly Bellys (he calls them "beans") and every time he poo pooed he'd get four. After every try, success and accident I'd stay positive. Diapers would be used at nap and nighttime (possibly for #2s if he couldn't go on the potty).
Day one went awesome and was much easier than expected but I knew it couldn't be that easy!
It was a tough day but it ended well and I wasn't giving up.
Day three was a success and I'm happy to report there was NOT one single accident all day!
We have one more day at home tomorrow then Tuesday were off to school in our big boy undies! Leaving the house will be a whole new step of training but there's no going back now!
Advise time, Mommies!
Any ideas for pottying in public? I DREAD taking Colton to use the potty in a public restroom. I can count on one hand how many times I changed him in a public restroom. The thought of his little hands all over a dirty nasty toilet/stall makes me want to put a diaper back on him right now!
Any ideas on how to get the little guy to #2 on the potty and not hold it. In three days hes only been once (in a bedtime diaper) and hes usually very regular. (I know this is a little too much info for most of you but I'd love ideas...sorry!)
DAY 4- Day four was not as successful as Day 3 (at all). The day was full of lots of small accidents and bbu changes. In the morning Colton had a bm in his undies. I quickly ran him into the potty and he finished in the potty. YEAH! After nap, toward the end of the afternoon, Colton did start telling me he had to potty and did a really good job getting to the potty.
Tomorrow we go to school for the day and then on Wednesday we have plans to run to Babies R Us for a fold up potty seat and potty seat covers (our first outing). We may need even more undies too. I'm tired of doing a load a day just for bbu. I'll post again after school tomorrow. (In case you care! I guess if you got this far you may.)
DAY 5-Day five was our first day at school. We woke up super early so we had plenty of time to potty before leaving for school. After much talking and asking Colton did finally use the potty before we left. When we got to school he let me put him on the potty several times but never would go. I know he had to go because I caught him doing the potty dance a few times and wiggling around. I dropped him off in class with a huge bag of extra clothes and fingers crossed. At lunch, I checked on him and he had 3 accidents. His teachers said his timing just wasn't quite right and he wouldn't tell them that he had to go. He went down for nap with a diaper on and woke up completely dry. He did potty once at school right after nap and then had a pretty good afternoon at home. He had to be reminded to go potty once we got home and had one accident but hes not feeling well and I think his mind is just overwhelmed at the moment.
Honestly, this is so much harder than I imagined. After the first few days I thought things were going so well but with each passing day, more accidents, and not verbalizing the needing to go I have to admit I'm stressed to the max! I wanted to give up today and tell his teacher to put his diaper back on but after 5 days we can't give up. (Plus my parents at parent/teacher conferences really helped me stay positive.) He is getting it, slowly but surely and one day it will just click. We're sticking with this 'til we've mastered it.
And, now the moment you've all been waiting for...I'm done with the potty training blog. When we've mastered it I'm sure youll hear me and Colt shouting from the rooftops! :)
Oh girl. Reading your post takes me back to potty-training Connor. And he was in daycare full-time so I only had to deal with it at night and on the weekends.
The best advice I ever got: (1) Wait until the child is ready, and (2) Once you start, don't go back. I kept a detailed journal for the first 14 days of the process and I wanted to quit SO bad during the first few days, but I didn't and it was the right thing. I think by the end of 7-10 days I considered Connor fully "trained" without needing a diaper even during the night. (We never used pullups either.)
I have NEVER been a germophobe type of person, but yes, having a potty-training child in public restrooms just about grossed me out on a daily basis. They touch EVERY part of that nasty bathroom, and you just have to deal with it! Using wipes and washing hands is all you can do about it.
Feel free to ask if you want to discuss further. You are doing great for hanging in there, and you will LOVE having Colton out of diapers by the time Chase gets here!
We found some Cars disposable potty covers at Target (in baby section by potties). They stick to the seat so they are sitting on and holding onto the cover instead of the dirty toilet seat (ewww!). They are great!!!
Quite a few of the kids I sit for wear pull-ups at night, that's it.
Also, one of the kids I've sat for would NOT poop in the potty EVER, so when she had to poop they put a pull-up on her and she did her thing. Eventually her mom made a special "toy" deal with her. If she pooped in the potty every time they could go pick out a new toy. She overcame her pooping in the potty fear and got a new toy in the process!
Other than that I have nothing, just know he'll conquer the potty when he's ready!! You're doing great!!! So is the C-man!
We are currently training as well. My little guy likes incentives. I bought a bunch of matchbox cars, left them in the package and put them in a basket next to the potty. Every time he poops he can pick out a new car. Also, we I made a train track sticker chart for on his door. One sticker for potty, two for pooping. When the tracks get filled with stickers he gets to go to the store and pick out a little train for his train set. So far we've had success but I've tried to keep it all low pressure -low key. Having a big sister helps, too. She's been really encouraging about the whole thing.
I just came across your blog and really loved reading this particular post. I have a 2 1/2 year old and we are kinda potty training. She tells me from time to time she has to go but most of the time goes in the diaper. I guess I am just not there yet but you have given me motivation to get her into some BGU!
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