Sunday, April 15, 2012


Sometimes it isn't all pretty. 
I post about all the happy things going on in our life but unfortunately it isn't always laughs and giggles. 
Sometimes Colton tests the limits, and Chase doesn't want to be put down and mommy feels totally overwhelmed.
Sometimes I wonder if I meant to be a stay at home mommy.
"Sometimes" is happening more often than I'd like.
I love being home with my babies. It's my job.  It's my life.  It's what I've always wanted!
Sure, I work two days a week teaching PreK for a couple hours but that's my part time job (and my get away). Being a stay at home mommy and wife is my full time job.
Some days are amazing and run so smooth. Other days, not so much. Other days take all I have out of me and I feel like a failure.  I'm doing the most important job on the planet.
I, along with Zak, am molding my boys into men.  Deep I know, they are 3 and 10 months, but they are never too young to learn. I am trying to teach them right from wrong and good from bad.
Colton is at a stage where he wants to test each and every thing and doesn't listen to anything or anyone.
He is his own boss.
He wants to know how much he can get away with.  He pits Zak and I against each other when he is home but when I'm home he just has complete meltdowns.  I mean like meltdowns where his head spins and his eyes bulge out of his little sweet head. He throws things, he screams, he runs aways from me.
I know its a phase but it's been a long phase. 
I feel like I'm letting him down and I try so hard to stand my ground. I'm trying to let him know I will not back down. 
It's hard. 
 I've watched Super Nanny, I've googled ideas, I've gone back to all I learned about early childhood in college.  I've made behavior charts for everything you could imagine and we even have a treasure box. We have a time out corner.  We've tried spanking.  We've tried ignoring the behavior.  We've tried staying completely positive.
Nothing works.
I worry about one of these meltdowns happening out in public (and they have), or at a playdate, or in front of family and friends. I want my children to think I'm a good mom.  But, I can't help but want every one around me to thing I'm a good mom too.  I want everyone who sees me to think, "Wow, she's a great mom.  She's got it all together." 
Heck, I want to think that.
But, I don't.
When we're out in public I feel like a circus act. 
I try to keep it together but somethings always falling apart.
More times than I'd like to admit I just want to be put in time out myself.
I know every mom struggles.  I know every child tests their limits.
But I'm throwing up the white flag.  I surrender.   
I. don't. know. what. to. do.


Anonymous said...

you are not alone. i think we all feel like this sometimes. you are a good mom. a great one. remember it's just a season of motherhood.... and everything you're doing and trying will pay off in the end. don't be so hard on yourself. :)

Lauri said...

Oh Catherine, I'm so sorry you're going through a rough time right now! Robin is right, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! I question my job as a SAHM all the time. After 3 years of it, I still don't think I'm very good at it. I remind myself often that I'll never get these years back.

Connor went through a very similar stage as Colton when he was 3. When he had his "meltdowns" we didn't even recognize him. Our mild-mannered child was transformed into a monster. I know how draining and frustrating it is to go through that as a parent. Hang in there, girl. Make sure you are getting plenty of alone time or time with friends, whatever you need to recharge as you go through this difficult phase. This too shall pass!

Anonymous said...

Well I'm glad to see that you don't have it all together! I thought something was wrong with me! I only have one and I don't have it together at all! I look at you and Zak and wonder how you do it with two! You really make it look so easy! Don't worry about what others think! You are a great Mom, wife, and friend....and like the other experienced Mom are telling you....This too shall pass!

bethany said...

Honestly, I think three is the HARDEST age. They want to be independent, but don't really have the capability to (well, not as much as they want). Storey is AWFUL! Like exactly what you are describing. I pray every night that this is not her permanent personality and that it is indeed just a stage. She spends time each day shut in her room screaming because I just can't take her screaming at my anymore. Totally understand-any mom who says she doesn't have any idea what you are talking about, is lying :)

AmazingGreis said...

YOu are definitely not alone! LOVE YOU! I'll come over and watch the boys so you can getaway one day. Just call me!

Skin disorder said...

I just can't take her screaming at my anymore. Totally understand-any mom who says she doesn't have any idea what you are talking about, is lying.

Becky said...

I only hope I can do even 1/2 as well as you do when I become a mom. Colt and Chase are SO lucky to have you and Zak :) Love you sissy.