Friday, August 29, 2008

2 month check up

(Look how I can sit on daddy's lap and hold my head up like a big boy!)

We had our two month check up today. Colton is doing GREAT! Here are the stats..
11lb 8 oz- 50th %
22 1/2 inches - 25th %
16 inches- head circumference - 75th % (he has a lot of brain in there!)
The Dr. thought Colton was growing and progressing very nicely. We agree! Here are some of the things he's learning and working on...
~He is sleeping through the night (still in the swing).

~He loves to "talk" saying "Ah- goo" and "ahhhhh".

~He responds to people with the best smiles and has even had a few little giggles.

~He sticks out his tongue and blows bubbles. (Something only a mommy could be proud of!)

~ Speaking of things only a mommy could be proud of, he is learning to burp. Or it's just getting easier for him. For a while he would not burp after a feeding and it made for a very upset tummy by the evening so I am ecstatic when he burps after a feeding. The evening crying sessions have decreased greatly since we figured this one out!

~He loves to "dance" kicking his feet and moving his arms to the music.

~He holds his head up while he's laying on his belly at a 90 degree angle. In fact, the Dr. was extremely impressed with him today. She said he's doing it as well as most 4 month olds.

~He is trying desperately to find his thumb and put it in his mouth but his hands aren't cooperating!

~This week we also hit a huge milestone. COLTON ROLLED OVER!!!! He rolls from his tummy to his back. I was able to capture it on video the 2nd time he did it, for daddy, but I am not sure how to post it on here so I have pictures...

Here I go...

WOW! I did it and Mommy is so excited...whats the big deal? I just wanted to be on my back!

We are so proud of our little guy! We feel very blessed to have a healthy happy baby! He has had a tough evening after his shots so we are off to cuddle some more.


Amazing Greis said...

Love the pictures! What a handsome little boy!!!! Way to Go Colton, rolling over is such a BIG step!!!! See you soon!

Renner Romig said...

He is so dang cute!!! I love the progressive pics of him rolling over. They are precious. Good luck with the grouchies after shots. It always takes Renner 2-3 days to get back to his normal self after shots. Those are definitely not fun. I love how you keep us up to date on all of his developments! Enjoy your little man!

amy said...

YEA, Colton! What a cutie!!!

erika said...

Those pics of him rolling over are so cute. He is such a cutie. Glad you guys are doing good.

Robbie and Barb's Family said...

So sweet! And your hair is cute! Short hair is nice with grabby hands!