Monday, August 18, 2008

Well..its offical!!

Well..Its is the first day of my maternity leave. I will be off work for 12 weeks with my little guy and I am so excited about it. I worked, for the last two weeks, tying up loose ends at school. I attended two classes last week and I also worked in my classroom trying to get it ready for the new group of kiddos and my great substitute.

Post is under construction and things were a disaster while I was up there! Everything has come an awful long way but it was still pretty crazy when I left on Thursday. Here is a picture of where my old classroom use to be. (This was in July.)

After hours of rearranging my furniture in my new portable classroom with my dad and Zak we did all we could do. The class is smaller than my old classroom so it was hard to fit all of the junk I had accumulated over the past 5 years into my new room. I am actually excited about the portables. It' ll be a new spin on everything and I'll be sharing the portable with Kellie so I am sure we will have some fun. Like I said before, when I left last Thursday things were still so hectic; workers, custodians, teachers, and administration were everywhere trying to get ready for kids. I am counting my blessings that I'll miss the first few weeks of school. Hopefully by the time I get back they will have things figured out. I know they have to change so many procedures from loading buses to just walking the kids around the school. Half of the school is still in the old building and the other half (including nurse, principals office, front office, music and art) is out doors.

Here are some pictures of my finished classroom. I'm not sure how 20 some odd kids are gong to fit but I guess we will make do! The pictures actually make it look a lot bigger then it is.

I am no longer allowed to go up to the school. I can't go up for meet the teacher or open house, I really can't even go up and visit my team for lunch because of the Family Medical Leave Act. I think this is the best things for me because if I was able to go up, I would. Now I have 12 weeks of no work to spend with this little chunky monkey!!!! I know its going to go way too fast so I'm going to enjoy every single second!!!


Amazing Greis said...

Wow, I'm surprised they won't even let you be there for meet the teacher night, since technically you are the teacher! LOL

Yes, enjoy the next 12 weeks, they will probably fly, but 12 weeks with that little man will be so AWESOME for the both of you!

Robbie and Barb's Family said...

He is so stinkin' cute!

Anonymous said...

awww. I missed you today!!!

Leah J. said...

Enjoy every second of those 12 weeks! Your classroom looks so cute!

amy said...

What a cutie pie!! Don't even think about it or worry about a thing! You're going to love being home while everyone is working... I've already been rubbing it in to my friends. Ha ha! Like: I'm going out to lunch today, then running errands and relaxing at home. What are you doing? Oh... cleaning your room, sitting thru boring district meetings, and then meet the teacher? Have fun with that.. ha ha. I'm mean to them! ENJOY!!!