Sunday, January 4, 2009

It's a work night...

I am being so bad right now, its 11:29 PM on a WORK night, everyone else in my house is sleeping (animals included), and I can't make myself go to bed. I think it's all subconscious, if I go to sleep, my break is over. It's been a bad day today, I've been in a funk. Instead of enjoying my last day, I've sulked about having to go back to work. It is harder than I thought it would be. At least, when I went back to work after maternity leave I knew I had three weeks of vacation right around the corner. Now, what do I have to look forward to? Spring Break in 50 (yes, I'm counting) work days? I know that's very negative, it's just how I feel right now. I know that I need to enjoy each day, and I will, I just wish the days would slow down. I wish this time would stop flying by. I know that when I go to bed tonight, I'll have to wake up tomorrow and get back to our new working "normal". I'll have to rush to get ready in the morning (because I'll hit snooze way too many times), wake Colton up and love on him quickly, drop him off with my mom, work, pick him up, rush around get things done, play a little, put him to bed, go to bed myself, and start all over the next day. Where does that day go? Colton really likes to stick to his schedule. We try to keep him up to have that extra little time with him but he's just not having it. He knows his routine and he sticks to it. By 8, or even before, he is ready for bed whether we like it or not. When he is hungry, he tells you he is ready for his bottle by putting both hands up by his ears and "assuming the position". In the evenings, when he assumes the position the playing is over! He has his bottle, rubs his little eyes, and is OUT until we wake him the next morning. There's just not enough time in the day.
I loved every second of being home with Colton. I think I have appreciated my time with him more over the Christmas break then when I was on maternity leave. After going back to work for the last month and a half I really realized what I was missing at home. We really had fun this Christmas break, Colton got to meet a lot of family and friends he'd never met before, he was a real trooper on many many shopping trips, and I think he had his picture taken more then in the first 5 months of his life ( I just developed pictures from Nov-Dec. and I developed 250 pics- ridiculous I know)!
There's just no getting around it...if I don't go to bed now, tomorrow will REALLY be tough! This post has helped me get it all off my chest. I feel a bit better, or maybe I'm just really tired.
I guess it's time...Good night!


Jude's Mom said...

I completely understand how you feel right now. It's going to be my first day back to work TODAY. After 2 1/2 months of being home with Jude I have to return to my boring job. I like this job of being mommy so much more. If only I could stay home with him.... that's what I keep wishing & hoping for. I know I'm making it harder on myself by being a big grump about it. Hopefully, some day... you and I both will get what we want. Until then.... we'll appreciate our time with kids more than other moms? Ugh, who knows! It just stinks!!! Hope you have a good day. I will be thinking about you. *Oh and I'm jealous you get a spring break and a summer with your baby!!*

Ginger @ GReads! said...

:( hang in there Catherine. I wish time could stand still for you mommies who want to spend as much time as possible with your babies.

I hope today goes smooth! and fast enough so you can get home to Colton.

Kellie Staats said...

WE made it!!!! Thanks so much for being such a great friend to me!!!! Hope your head is ok!!! WE CAN make it through this year!!!!

Jen said...

Thank you so much for the nice comment today on my blog.
I love the pictures that you took on New Years Eve of Colton...he is so cute!

Amazing Greis said...

Hope you had a good first day back! I know it's hard but the reward at the end of the rainbow will be so worth it in June! Lets get together soon, preferably before Colton's bedtime! LOL

Tricia said...

I even had a hard time sending the girls off to school in the morning. Jill had just come home, and Emmi was all sweet. I was used to having people around all day...but back to work.

Leah J. said...

Hang in there, friend! Thinking of you!!!