Friday, May 8, 2015

Getting out there

On Easter Sunday, I saw a horribly unflattering picture of myself and decided to do something about it.  I wasn't going to go on a crazy diet or commit to working out every day, because I know me, It would never last!  So, I decided to start slow.  Make better food and portion choices and start running and walking.  I've never been a runner, but I figured why not try it.  It could be my me time.
Well, Im at the end of week 5 and I'm still going. I've only lost a pound or two but I feel better.  I'm trying to make better food choices and I've cut down on my night time snacking.  I have more energy and I'm so proud of myself.  Slowly, I'll add more time and distance to my workout. But, for right now, Im just proud I've made it almost 6 weeks getting up before anyone else in the house and getting out there!


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