Monday, October 20, 2008

October 20, 2007

October 20, 2007 was a day I will never forget! It was the day we found out we were pregnant! It was a day I've thought about my whole life. I always imagined how I'd find out. Would Zak be there? Would I get to surprise him in some way? Would I cry or scream from excitement? I remember so many small details from that day. Zak was at a bachelor party that weekend. I had taken a test a couple days back and it had come up negative. We had been trying for a month or two and I was anxious so I decided I'd take another test. I knew it was too early when I took the first test and I kind of thought it was a little early to find out but I took another test anyway. I tried not to get my hopes up but when I looked at the test and saw that faint faint pink line I could hardly believe my eyes. It must be a mistake! I dug the other test out of the trash, ew I know. I saw an even lighter pink line (so light you can't even see it in the picture). By this time I could feel my heart beating in my throat. Could they both be wrong? I jumped into the car and went to Walmart to buy more tests. The cashier must have thought I was crazy because I left with $30 worth of pregnancy tests. I rushed home and 2 more tests came up positive! That was enough for me...we were having a BABY!!! I jumped around and then cried. I remember hugging Sadie because no one else was home.
Just thinking about the details of that day bring back so much emotion. Zak wasn't home and I was so anxious to tell him but I couldn't do it over the phone! I spent the day looking for a piggy bank. I was going to make this announcement special and I had all day to figure out how. I must have called Zak a million times to see when he would be home. He didn't get home until about 6 that night and I was so excited to see him. When he pulled the piggy bank out of the box I'll never forget his face. He was the happiest I've ever seen him.We went to the Dr. the next day and I was only 3 weeks and 6 days pregnant. We couldn't wait to tell our family so we went straight from the Dr. to my parents and Zaks parents house to share our good news. Now, one year later look at what we have! Look how far we have come. Life couldn't be any better!


Ginger @ GReads! said...

This is such a GREAT blog!! You brought tears to my eyes :) :) It just goes to show you never know where you'll be, or what you'll have in one year's time. Life is funny like that! but amazing at the same time.

You truely have been blessed!

Robbie and Barb's Family said...

I love the picture of all the pregnancy tests. That is hilarious!

Tricia said...

What a great story. It must have been so much fun planning how you were going to break the news.

I love how you practically got one of every kind of pregnacy test....and took pictures of them!