Thursday, February 26, 2009

Three meal a day and too many bottles

Colton is up to three meals a day and I think I am being an overly cautious mommy. I know its time to get rid of at least one bottle and change up his schedule a bit since he is doing so well with the solids. Here is what his feeding schedule looks like right now.

7 am- 6 -8 oz bottle
10 am- stage 2 fruit
1o:30- 6-8 oz bottle
1 pm- cereal
1:30pm- 6-8 oz bottle
4pm- 6-8 oz bottle (which he barely ever eats any of)
6:30pm- stage 2 veggie
7-7:30- 6-8 oz bottle

Some days he eats the bottles well, some day he doesn't. I have not introduced any meats yet. I think they look horrible and I just can't bring myself to buy them. I know they are next on the list though and I'm sure Colton will enjoy them since he loves his food so much. He has had some wagon wheels and mum mums but no other real solid food. I am scared to death of introducing any table food because I am petrified he will choke and allergies worry me too. I'm just not sure where to go from here. How much should he be eating in a feeding with the solids? We are trying to get him to have atleast 24 oz. of formula in a day but is one level 2 suitable for a meal? How can I change this up and not totally change everything? Zak and I were thinking about taking away the 1:30 bottle. We don't want to take away the 4pm bottle since he doesn't have another bottle until 7:30ish. We don't want to put him to bed at 6:30! Maybe I should just try to spread out the bottle and food to every 4 hours instead of 3 hours? This is the part of motherhood that stresses me out. I probably sound crazy to you about now but I am a worrier, I always have been and I guess things don't change when you have another life to worry about.
Mommies out there I need your opinions, let me know what you think.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Prayers for Nana

Today Zak's Nana had triple bypass surgery. The surgery went well and she is resting in the ICU at Memorial Hospital. Nana is an extremely strong woman and we know this will make her even stronger. She has been in our thoughts and prayers all week, especially today. We are praying she has a quick and easy recovery and can rest comfortably in the hospital for the next week or so. We are also praying for everyone staying with her at the hospital. We hope this surgery will bring new found energy to a very active lady who loves to be out and about socializing with family and friends and staying involved with her church.

Nana, as soon as you are ready for a very little visitor we will bring Colton by from some love. Zak and I are looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. We love you!

Monday, February 23, 2009

To Mommy's Little Man

This was the HARDEST picture to capture, by far! You'd think that as he got older it would get easier but he wanted to play, not take a picture!
Out takes and lots of pictures to follow!

Dear Colton,

Tomorrow you will be 8 months old and I can not believe how fast you are growing up. You are becoming such an amazing little guy. I knew the day you were born I'd never loved anyone quite like I loved you and each day that love grows. Daddy and I think you weigh about 20-21 lbs but I didn't want to take you to get weighed because I didn't want to take you into a germy Doctors office if you didn't need to go. Every time you meet new people, or you see friends you haven't seen in a while, they comment on how big you are. You are wearing a lot of 12 month clothes already and are growing like crazy. Some mornings I get you up and am amazed because I swear you grew overnight. You are really enjoying your "meals". You eat 3 a day and you love them all from cereal, to fruit medleys, to those stinky 'ol green're not picky! You still have 5 bottles a day but I think its just about time to loose one of those since your eating so well. Last week we were out to dinner and we noticed your first tooth. You were such a trooper, no nights full of crying like we expected. You are one tough cookie and you didn't let that tooth get to you one bit. We feel like your second tooth could pop up anytime. We can tell something is bothering you but you are still being so strong about it all. You are just full of energy and love. You are still "talking" up a storm making all kinds of noises. You are making sounds that may or may not be "da-da". Your dad practices with you every second he has so, I'm sure, that too is right around the corner. You have started to show a little favoritism towards mommy and daddy. You reach for us in your own cute little way if you want to be held or picked up and cry if we move too far away from you. It breaks our heart to see you get upset but it is one of the sweetest things you do because we know you know who we are. You are also extremely comfortable around your Nanny. You spend as much time with her as you do mommy and daddy and she knows what comforts you and what you need. You enjoy all of the time you get to spend with the rest of your family as well. We are just so lucky to have so many people around us that love you so much. You are well on your way to crawling. You have mastered moving from sitting to on your tummy you just can quite get up on your knees. If you really really want something you'll find a way to get it. You scoot along on your bottom or you push yourself on your belly backwards. You are standing up so well too. You haven't pulled yourself up on your own yet but if we stand you by something you can hold on to you can stand there all by yourself for 30 seconds or so and you are so proud of yourself. It's like you can see the whole world!

Colton, you are an absolute blessing to us. When we are having a bad day all it takes is one of your little smiles to brighten the day. Your daddy and I love you more than you'll ever know. We can't believe its been 8 months already. That first birthday is right around the corner.

Love and Hugs and Kisses,

Some outtakes from our photo shoot this afternoon! You'll see why the top picture is the best I have.

As promised some Valentine pictures and some other keepers from the last month.

Monday, February 16, 2009

We've been waiting!!!

Last night Zak,Colton, and I were sitting at dinner and Colton was acting a little weird. He would put his toy in his mouth and pull it out quickly. So, I did what I always do and I felt for a tooth, expecting nothing. ONLY, this time there was something there! I was so excited I think I screamed out loud! We have been waiting for this, and thinking it was happening, since he was 2 and 1/2 months old. I noticed on Saturday that it looked like it could happen any day and then on Sunday in the middle if dinner, at Cypress Station, I felt it. The bottom right tooth has broken the skin. It's only a jagged little point right now but I'm sure it'll be all the way out soon. We were expecting last night to be a long night but we got Colton home, bathed and fed, and gave him some Tylenol and he slept so soundly throughout the night. I'm not even sure that he moved. I guess growing teeth is tiring!!! I guess we will see how things go from here on out. We have heard horror stories of cutting teeth and being up all night. Could it be this painless? I won't jinks myself!

On another note, we had an awesome awesome Valentine's weekend. We spent lots of time together as a family. We visited Aunt Becky, Nanny and Grandad, and Grandma and PawPaw. Colton got lots of little goodies and lots and lots of hugs and kisses for his first Valentine's Day.

Sorry...Our computer is kaput so Ill have to download Valentine pictures later. I think it'll be a while before I can capture Colton's first tooth but you know me I'll try my best to get a shot of it as soon as possible.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What a talent!

One afternoon, I noticed Colton had on new socks when I pick him up at Nanny's. I thought it was weird that he would have on different socks but the same outfit. Nanny wasn't quite sure what was going on but she said one sock got very very wet during the day so she changed them. Could it be that his diaper some how leaked? Just on his sock, no??? Could something have been dropped on that foot? We talked about how he might be chewing on his feet but the sock was REALLY wet and mom hadn't noticed his feet in his mouth? Well, we were right...Zak and I have a very talented son. His new favorite chew toy... HIS FOOT! Who needs teething rings or binkis when you have a perfectly good toe right there! Colton thinks thumbs are overrated!
Colton wakes up most mornings very happy, he just talks away and plays in his crib. A lot of mornings I'll go in and see him just happy as can be with his toes in his mouth like, "Look mama what I found in my bed!" It's so hilarious. I guess a lot of babies do this but it makes us laugh. And, he really only likes the right foot. I guess the other leg is just not as flexible, its fun to watch him try to get the left foot in his mouth! :)

I have to leave you with this picture of Colton. I snapped it yesterday morning while he was laying in our bed waiting for us to get ready. Zak bought him this alligator when I was pregnant and gave it to him in the hospital the day he was born. It stays by his changing table and he loves on it in the mornings while we get ready for the day.
Oh...How our little man has grown!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Life is good!

Things are good here in the Day house. Colton is growing like a weed (already in some 12 month outfits) and is enjoying the new found independence sitting up is bringing. We have more and more fun with him as each day passes. He is our everything and we are enjoying every second we are with him and missing him like crazy when we are away from him.

Here are some things he just loves!

All of his new toys
His cousins
(He misses his other set of cousins. Come VISIT!)
His Sadie "sister"
Baby mum-mums (and any other food for that matter!)
And...He says...
"I love my mommy and daddy thisssssssssssss much!"