Thursday, February 26, 2009

Three meal a day and too many bottles

Colton is up to three meals a day and I think I am being an overly cautious mommy. I know its time to get rid of at least one bottle and change up his schedule a bit since he is doing so well with the solids. Here is what his feeding schedule looks like right now.

7 am- 6 -8 oz bottle
10 am- stage 2 fruit
1o:30- 6-8 oz bottle
1 pm- cereal
1:30pm- 6-8 oz bottle
4pm- 6-8 oz bottle (which he barely ever eats any of)
6:30pm- stage 2 veggie
7-7:30- 6-8 oz bottle

Some days he eats the bottles well, some day he doesn't. I have not introduced any meats yet. I think they look horrible and I just can't bring myself to buy them. I know they are next on the list though and I'm sure Colton will enjoy them since he loves his food so much. He has had some wagon wheels and mum mums but no other real solid food. I am scared to death of introducing any table food because I am petrified he will choke and allergies worry me too. I'm just not sure where to go from here. How much should he be eating in a feeding with the solids? We are trying to get him to have atleast 24 oz. of formula in a day but is one level 2 suitable for a meal? How can I change this up and not totally change everything? Zak and I were thinking about taking away the 1:30 bottle. We don't want to take away the 4pm bottle since he doesn't have another bottle until 7:30ish. We don't want to put him to bed at 6:30! Maybe I should just try to spread out the bottle and food to every 4 hours instead of 3 hours? This is the part of motherhood that stresses me out. I probably sound crazy to you about now but I am a worrier, I always have been and I guess things don't change when you have another life to worry about.
Mommies out there I need your opinions, let me know what you think.


Leah J. said...

I remember this craziness! Changing to solid foods messes everything up :) I did feel like Casen's schedule had to be totally rearranged! Well, to make you feel better about the bottles - I just went down to two last week (and C is 15 MONTHS old, and yes - still drinking from a bottle!!! Oh, well - it works for us). Really, it's just trial and error. Babies will tell you when they are hungry (thank goodness!). Try dropping a bottle and offering a little bit more food (maybe offer a second jar for the meal closest to the dropped bottle time). He may/may not take it. It sounds like you have your schedule down WAY better than I did as I was introducing more and more solids. Way to go, mom!

Renner Romig said...

Girl, you are doing just fine. Do you ever mix in cereal with the fruit or veggie? Or have you tried the Beechnut in a glass jar foods? Renner still loves the cinnamon raisin one. Have you tried the puffs? Those would be good to give him too. You may also want to talk to your pediatrician about the nut allergies. We read in a couple of places that it may be a good idea to introduce peanut or almond butter around a year of age, so we did this past week and everything was fine. He really likes both of them. Supposedly if he hasn't shown any food allergies and there is no family history then it should be okay. We give Renner 3 bottles a day. 2 oz formula & 7 ozs whole milke (warmed, he doesn't like it cold). He also likes the yogurt drinks for a snack and the yogurt melts. Just some things to think about. E-mail me and let me know your spring break. Hoping we have the same one and can get together that week. Ours starts March 16.

Renner Romig said...

Oh! Forgot to tell you why they are saying that about the allergies. Supposedly if you wait until they are 2, then they are more likely to have an allergy then when they are younger and can build up a resistance.

Amazing Greis said...

Wish I had "mommy" advice for you, but since I lack in the having a child department the only advice I can give you is...

Go with what works for you and the C man. You're a FANTASTIC mommy and you're doing a GREAT job. Nothing to be worried about. I have learned that if a baby is hungry he will definitely let you know. LOL

Love ya & hope to see you soon!