Monday, February 16, 2009

We've been waiting!!!

Last night Zak,Colton, and I were sitting at dinner and Colton was acting a little weird. He would put his toy in his mouth and pull it out quickly. So, I did what I always do and I felt for a tooth, expecting nothing. ONLY, this time there was something there! I was so excited I think I screamed out loud! We have been waiting for this, and thinking it was happening, since he was 2 and 1/2 months old. I noticed on Saturday that it looked like it could happen any day and then on Sunday in the middle if dinner, at Cypress Station, I felt it. The bottom right tooth has broken the skin. It's only a jagged little point right now but I'm sure it'll be all the way out soon. We were expecting last night to be a long night but we got Colton home, bathed and fed, and gave him some Tylenol and he slept so soundly throughout the night. I'm not even sure that he moved. I guess growing teeth is tiring!!! I guess we will see how things go from here on out. We have heard horror stories of cutting teeth and being up all night. Could it be this painless? I won't jinks myself!

On another note, we had an awesome awesome Valentine's weekend. We spent lots of time together as a family. We visited Aunt Becky, Nanny and Grandad, and Grandma and PawPaw. Colton got lots of little goodies and lots and lots of hugs and kisses for his first Valentine's Day.

Sorry...Our computer is kaput so Ill have to download Valentine pictures later. I think it'll be a while before I can capture Colton's first tooth but you know me I'll try my best to get a shot of it as soon as possible.


Amazing Greis said...

Glad ya'll had a Happy Valentine's, can't wait to see the pictures! Oh, and of course, yaye for the first tooth. Do you think they make cards for that? :)

Love ya'll and hope to see ya'll soon!

Sheri said...

Awwww! Pretty soon he will have a mouthfull of pearly whites. Oh, and you need to pick up the Hylands teething tablets. They are all natural and great for teething pain.