Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It Can't Be This Easy

Tonight after bath Colton asked to go "peeepeah" (pee pee) in the potty. Thinking he just wanted to play I put him on his little potty. He sat there about 2 minutes, with a very determined look on his face, and went PEE PEE!!! I was so excited I picked him up (naked and all) and ran outside to get daddy who was in the middle of mowing the yard. He was so proud of himself and he absolutely made mommy and daddy's night! Now, I'm not naive, I've heard potty training horror stories from all of you. I know it can't be this easy but we will take it one day at a time and tonight was a great start!


AmazingGreis said...

Yaye for Colton! I think kids are more difficult to train when they aren't ready. If he's asking, he may possibly be ready and it could be smooth sailing for you! I really hope so!

Miss you!! XOXO

Becky said...

I can't belive how big he is! And look at that smile!!! I miss him so much!!!Give him a big kiss from me (if you can catch him)!