Today you are two months old! We took you into the Dr. for your check up last Friday and you weigh 11 lb 11 oz (36%). You are 23 inch tall (52%) and your head is 15.5 inches (60%). We were surprised you were only in the 36% for weight. We feel like you are so big and with the amount you are eating we thought you might even weigh more than 11lbs 11oz. You are a sweet, content, laid back, cuddly little guy and each day you do something else to make us fall more in love with you. Here are some things you're up to.
*You are in 1-2 diapers and wearing 3 months clothes.
*Your eyes turn more blue each day and they are just beautiful.
*You eat every 2 to the 3 hours during the day and your are doing great at night. You go 5 to 7 hours between feeds.
*If you have a bottle you drink around 4 oz.
*We are still working on the choking. You don't do it as much as you use to but you do occasionally choke. Sometimes are worse than others. For the most part you (and mommy) know its coming and you just stop eating and clear your throat. Its still scary though. I just pray this is not a peek at whats to come with table food. You and your brother choking is one of my worst fears!
*The right side of your head is still pretty flat but getting better so we are practicing laying on the left side or straight on more.
*You have tummy time a few times a day. You don't mind being on your tummy, just not for long periods of time.
*As far as sleeping you are doing really well with that. You sleep at night in the swing in mommy and daddy's room. You usually eat and go down between 10 and 11PM and get up for the day around 8 or 8:30AM. You have been getting up just one time, lately around 5AM, and then falling right back to sleep after you eat. Occasionally (like lastnight) you get up twice in the night. * You stay awake a lot during the day and just take cat naps here and there. You sleep the best during the day when you're being held but you'll take short naps in the swing or the bouncer.
* You still don't like to sleep on your back and only fall asleep on your back if you're really really tired but you always twitch and wake yourself up.
*We started letting you sleep in the swing at about 6 weeks old when you caught your first little cold. It was really nothing. We all caught it from your brother and you just had a little congestion. Since you slept so well in the swing we decided the swing was a good place for you to sleep. (Your brother slept in the swing 'til he was 4 months old.)
*You are still very loud. You grunt and clear your throat all the time. When you are hungry and we try to hold you over with the binki you make this loud mad sound while you suck to let us know you're not happy with us. It makes mommy laugh.
*You started making the sweetest squealing noise. Sometimes you do it when your happy sometimes you do it when you just want to get our attention but it is just so sweet and we love to hear it!
* You follow us with your eyes and you recognize our voices.
* A few days ago you rolled over from your tummy to your back.
* You love to lay on the floor and kick and punch and look around.
* You love your bouncy chair and would rather sit in that during the day than the swing.
*You are very patient with your brother. He loves you so much and sometimes forgets how little you are.
*You also love your new bath and no matter how upset you are a bath makes you so happy!
*You are bearing a little weight on your legs and you are doing pretty well with holding your head up as well.
*You are starting to smile at us and that is the all time best thing in the world.
You are such an awesome little man. Each day you are learning so much and you are interacting with us more and more. You are amazing and we love you so very much.
Love, Mommy
Chase has turned in to quite the handsome little guy!! He favors Colton but also has his own look going on. So cute and SO precious!
Look how fast he is growing up!
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