Sunday, May 3, 2020

Week #7

Week #7...I can't believe we've wrapped up week 7!?!?!?!  
In all honesty it's gone so fast. I can't believe were in week 8 and all we've done is stay home!  Although I have loved this slower pace of life, at the end of this week, I'm starting to get stir crazy.  I want to go out  and be normal.  I don't want to wear a mask to the grocery store or wipe down groceries or worry about taking my kids to run an errand.  I want to go to my moms home and visit with her I want to hug my dad and hang out at the Beer Garden with our friends.  I want to see my nephew who's growing so fast.  I want to celebrate birthdays with birthday parties not drive bys.  I want my 5th grader to celebrate his achievements and the end of Elemntary.  I want to go wander around TJMaxx and run to the store to get the cucumber I forgot on Friday.   I want to get excited about our Colorado vacation instead of wonder how different this year will look.  
I am so thankful for our health and jobs and everything that's going so right for us.  But, I want so desperately to go back to normal.  
This week started out with a call from Nanny.  She doesn't understand FaceTime or our calls or even any part of what's going on.  With each passing day I know she is forgetting us more and more and it's breaking my heart. I miss her so much.  Dad got cookies for the care takers in the Memory Care section and the boys made the sweetest card to thank them for caring for our Nanny.  
We spent Sunday with no AC. Thank goodness for a beautiful day. We finished up yard work and spent all last weekend outside,  Monday was HOT as they installed our new unit and we tried to carry on with work and school.  Tuesday I got 30 minutes in my classroom to get everything I needed. I even got to see Dawn in passing.  I'll take what I can get.  The rest of our week consisted of the usual.  Lots of outside time, school work, work work, a couple social distancing bike rides with grandad.  A birthday visit with Gaga. A birthday parade for Kennas 18th and helping (or watching) her and KK decorate for the Senior parade.  the boys, mostly Colt, even cleaned out their rooms.  At the end of the week, we let up a little.  The boys drug their pool over to Addy.  About 5 minutes in they were all in the pool together.  They ate ChickFilA together on the driveway and we spent some time with Matt and Amber. It was much needed.  A little glimpse of normalcy.  That day ended with a sleep over on the trampoline.  I can't believe all 3 made it through the night.
I'm ready to be normal again! 
Saturday was a lazy boring day after a long night on the trampoline.  We got up early for a bike ride with Grandad but the boys were so sleepy we cut it short.  We spent the rest of the day laying around. I think we all even had a nap.  By that evening I wanted to get out so bad!!!!
Saturday was when it really all hit me. 

 I got this text from Zak one evening when he "left work".  Coming from his make shift office in the bedroom to the living room.  He made me laugh with this one!!

 Pa stopped by with the motherload!!!! 

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