Sunday, May 10, 2020

Week #8

So, we're ending week 8 of Quarantine.  Is it even still "quarantine".  I'm not sure.  Stay at home orders were lifted and certain businesses have opened at smaller capacity.  People are starting to get out but some businesses are still closed.  Zaks still working from home and the boys are still homeschooling.  Even when you do get out it feels weird.  I'm super cautious and seeing people walk around with masks on is SCARY! It's just plain weird.  I guess for now it's our new normal.  
The boys are playing a little with Addy and even played basketball with Noah.  We're going to a few more places but still not eating out and I'm not ready to take the boys out.  As we start doing more, it makes me feel happy but also worried.  The time is going fast.  This week, we celebrated CincoDeMayo. Zak went to the meat market and made the most delicious fajitas!  Colt finally gave in and let Zak cut his hair.  I worked on putting a lot of Foundry stuff together and seriously has so much fun with it.  I miss teaching! I loved getting crafty.  We made play dough, got ice cream, spent a lot of time outside and even played with neighbors. Amber and I went on one of our walk/runs and we enjoyed some meals outside.   On Wednesday, we  saw the Blue Angles fly over our neighborhood.  It was pretty spectacular and really cool to see everyone who was able to come out and see them! The weather has been spectacular! It's been nice getting a few things checked off our list.  This weekend the boys and Zak have been working on the trailer.  We also got to go hang out with Lori for Mothers Day and had a social distancing date with the Brown family on Saturday.  I love for that time out of the house hanging with our family. 
I'm not sure what things will look like from here on out.  I want to let up and carry on with life but I do still worry.  So, I guess we will ease in slow. 

 My funny Meme game was weak this week! 

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