Thursday, June 19, 2008

Monday... Maybe?!?!?!

I just got home from another Dr. visit. Things went well. I have not progressed much in the 3 and 1/2 days since I last saw her,not really a surprise to me. She did say he has dropped more since the beginning of the week. Really???? How much can he drop!?!?!?! I also lost another 2 pounds. (That's 7 pounds lighter than when this whole process started!) I have been feeling really really sick the last day and a half and she said that was a sign of early labor. I'm also experiencing lots of small contractions (nothing regular). They hooked me up to the heart monitor to make sure the baby was tolerating my contractions and he was. She said everything looked great! She has scheduled to induce me on Monday. Yippie ...right?!?!?! Well, I'm on "standby". This doesn't make me too excited about the whole idea. Standby means that if they have a bed for me they will call me, very very early on Monday morning, and have me come on in. If not, I'm not sure if they will bring me in whenever they get a bed ready or if I'll have to go back to my Dr. and wait it out some more. I guess this whole thing is just a waiting game. The Dr. said I could definitely go into labor before Monday, so we will just see. Aside from how BLAH I feel I can hardly stand the anticipation. I'm so ready to be a mommy!!!!! I have enjoyed lots of different aspects of being pregnant (believe it or not) but I'm ready to hold Colton in my arms.

Oh Yeah...
The Dr. now thinks that Colton will be a smaller baby than first thought. She it predicting 6.5 lbs. Although that is what they said he was at 36 weeks on his ultra sound. I'd rather him be a little smaller than a little bigger! As long as he is healthy.


Amazing Greis said...

Looks like Mr. Colton won't make it before I leave on vacation. Oh, well, he'll be here when he's well and ready. I'm anticipating updates when he does finally decide to make his appearance. I may be sitting on a beach in Puerto Rico, but I'll definitely be checking my phone. Oh, and expect a phone call on Sunday, July 6th when I get back. I'm coming over. Good luck with everything, I know you'll do AWESOME. You and Zak are going to be fantastic parents and Colton is one lucky little boy. See you and the C-man in a few weeks. Love ya and I'll be thinking and praying for ya'll. XOXO

Tricia said...

My bet is that you don't make it until Monday. But, ugh, the not knowing must be driving you crazy. Or it would me. I am not good with that. I need a plan. With exact time. Signed and sealed.

Mommy Leah said...

Hang in there! The wait is SO tough! I know that you CAN'T wait to hold Colton in your arms!!! You are going to LOVE being a mommy, and you are going to be such an AWESOME mommy! Now if Colton would just hurry up and GET HERE!

Ginger @ GReads! said...

He'll be here tomorrow!! The 21st was my second guess :)