Colton turns three months next week and I am thinking he could possibly be teething. From what I understand most babies start teething around 6 months. I have actually heard that some babies (very few) are born with teeth. Can you imagine seeing your precious newborn baby, just seconds, old screaming his head off, with a little tooth!?!? I am queen of research (as most of you know) and online and in my books it says that babies can start teething as early as two months. I still feel like it's a bit early but this is what I've been seeing with my little guy...
1.He has been unusually fussy the past week or so. I say unusually because he not screaming or anything like that. He is not acting like he use to when he had a tummy ache or gas. He's just fussy, hard to settle, easily agitated. Its just not like him. 2.He is drooling a lot and trying to shove his whole fist in his mouth. 3.When I put my finger in his mouth he doesn't try to suck, he bites. He also rubs his tongue along the front of his mouth. 4.When I look into his mouth I can see two little white areas on the bottom part of his gums. (I'm not sure if these were always there but I have never noticed them before.) 5.I can feel a little bump when I rub my finger a long his gums.
I know it is normal for babies to drool and put their hands in their mouth but my instinct is telling me he might be teething. I tried to give him a frozen teething ring tonight. He was not sure, at all, about how cold it was so I had to let it warm up. Once it warmed up he loved having it against his gums and it actually calmed him down for a little bit. He has not been running a fever, that I know of, but other than that all of the signs are there. I guess we will just keep an eye on it, time will tell. Maybe it's just a little phase he is going through? Maybe it's normal three month old behavior? Maybe I'm just crazy? THAT could be it! :) I'll keep you posted.
Jill had several teeth by five months old (I can't remember how she was when she got her first tooth, I just know that I can count at least four of them in a photo of her at five months!). She was also that kid that had lost eight teeth by the middle of kindergarten when most of her friends were in first grade before losing their first tooth. BABY ORAJEL is your friend. Especially that night time formula.
My kids also started a little early. I love Hylands Teething Tablets. They are these tiny little white "sugar pellets" that are all natural. I would put one under the tongue of the baby and it melts sooooo fast... and soothing results! Good luck!
LOL! I'm sure you're definitely NOT crazy!!!!!
We have to get together soon!!!!
That was odd, I just tried to post this and it was all messed up. I will try again...
HYLANDS TEETHING TABLETS!!! I swear by these things. I never had to use tylenol with these. I have easier teethers, though. I have friends with baaaad teethers, and the hylands gives their babes relief until the tylenol kicks in.
Oh, and both girls started these same symptoms (the drooling in particular) at this age, but they didn't actually cut teeth until closer to 7mths.
I hope you are having a blast this weekend!!!
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