Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Last Visit

Today I had my 38 week appointment (at 37 weeks and 5 days). I am 2 cm dilated , 80% effaced and at a minus two. My belly was measuring 36.5 weeks but she said it was only measuring a little small becuse Chase was SO low. Chases heart beat was about 148 ( I cant remember the exact number) and I've gained 1 lb in one week. That means I'm up 4 lbs from my pre pregnancy weight. Today was my last Dr. visit and I actually made an appointment to go back for my post partum visit in June. EKKKKK! Its official, I am in the books to be induced May 24th at 7 am. After a lot of hesitation and thought about this decision to induce I am feeling very comfortable with it. My Dr. has no concern that things won't run smoothly. She, in fact, said if I'm in at 7 am she thinks Chase will be here by 2pm. Lets see how close she is to that. I know it's only a guess but it sounds good to me! She also, along with Zak my parents my mil and a few friends, does not think I'll make it to Tuesday. I do. We're taking Colton to the Truck Show at Reliant on Saturday and she thinks after walking around all afternoon she'll be seeing me on Saturday night. Honestly, I think Chase will stay put til Tuesday, but what do I know?
Until Tuesday, I have a lot going on which is great. It'll keep me busy! I'm so excited that Chase hasn't come too early because tomorrow is the last day of school and I'll be able to make it to my classes PK Graduation. I'm so excited to see them graduate. They have been working so hard on the cutest graduation program. I feel a really strong connection with these kids, they have been such a blast this year and have made me smile so much. I have 16 of the cutest kids any teacher could ask for with the sweetest parents I've ever had. I'm sad to see the year come to an end for Colton and I because we have enjoyed it so much but we'll both be back next year! Tonight were celebrating my dads birthday. (Happy birthday daddy. We love you so much. You are amazing and I can't wait to see you with your TWO grandsons!) Zak's best friend Josh, and his wife are coming into town, and tomorrow were having them over for dinner. Were hoping to see them Friday as well. Then on Saturday were going to the Truck Show. Sunday I'm hoping to tie up some loose ends and on Monday I have a work day at school. I'd like to be there to get a little more organized for next year but if I don't make it no ones going to miss me and I can go up in the summer anytime.
So, until Tuesday, I'm going to spend lots of time loving on Colton and enjoying being a mommy of one because life's about to get crazy fun!!!


Lauri said...

Reading your post and realizing our PK days are soon over brought tears to my eyes. I can't believe it! Connor and I have been so blessed to know you. It truly has been the BEST year!

And yes, whether Chase comes on his own or with the induction, there's no doubt it'll be an EASY delivery! The progress you've already made is evidence that he is gettin' ready, girl! It'll be interesting to see if your busy weekend puts you in labor. Either way, be sure to post updates asap because those of us at home will be dying for news!!

AmazingGreis said...

So glad that baby Chase is doing so well. If he comes this weekend I'll be able to see him (and you) in the hospital. If he's not here until Tuesday I'll be visiting when I get back from my trip NEXT weekend. No worries, I'll call first!!! :)

Love ya'll to pieces and can't wait to hear the news!!! XOXOX